Professional Services

We provide an extensive range of Professional Services to assist the customers in managing their ICT infrastructure more effectively and efficiently.
Supported by SMS’ S.U.I.T.E Methodology and using the best practices from ITIL, our Professional Services ensure successful service engagements to help the customers meet their business goals and objectives.

Service Engagements Description
ICT Solutions Implementation Our implementation approach for all our ICT Solution is a structured one that involves various phases, workshop, product installation, product development/configuration, product customization (if necessary), testing and review, Policies & Procedures design and documentation, training, roll-out and SMS stand-by.
ICT Infrastructure Policies & Procedures Review & Enhancement A value-added service engagement modelled to assist the customers in the designing, planning and documenting the policies and procedures of their ICT infrastructure management processes.
ICT Data Center Operations Assessment This is a regular value-added service designed to help the customers manage and maintain their ICT system management processes more effectively & efficiently in a long run. We utilize the best practices from ITIL to form the framework for the assessment.
ICT Data Center Operations Audit This is an extensive engagement that offers a complete and comprehensive study on the customer’s ICT data center operations. The objective of such an engagement is to assess and study the customer’s data center operations, that is, to identify the issues and areas of concern faced with day-to-day data center operations. A briefing and presentation to the customer’s management will be conducted to present the findings and recommendations.
System Performance Health-check This is to assist the customer diagnose and identify the performance bottleneck of its systems (servers, databases & applications).
A performance review and analysis will be conducted on the computing environment of the customer’s systems. A baseline will be established to identify system parameter values under normal production load. The established baseline will then be used for monitoring and analyzing the performance of the systems.
ICT Data Center & Facilities Design, Commision & Construction In the area of facilities management, SMS can assist the customers in the design, setup and construction of new data centers, through our Data Center Design & Construction services.With our profound understanding and vast experiences of data center engagements, we make sure that the data center projects not only meet the planned development schedule, but also provide each and every element on time, within budget and meeting the customer’s requirements.